What method can you use to remove your deteriorating concrete? Is it just the coating that needs to be removed? Or do you need to access corrosive rebar for repair without damaging your structure? Many times an aggressive power tool is used that causes micro-fractures from the vibration. To avoid this and provide a solution to restoration and surface preparation Blast It Clean offers an exciting technique that relies solely on pressurized water to achieve the desired outcome, hydro blasting.
We are always looking to expand our services to meet the demands of our customers. So it only made sense to combine Blast It Clean’s 20+ years of experience in abrasive blasting with the latest trend in water blasting. The result, the best hydro blasting service you can find.

Hydro Blasting has the ability to be six times faster than abrasive blasting (sandblasting) equipment. It also significantly reduces clean-up since there is no media collection and disposal. The result is a significant reduction of time to complete the same project. We could spend an extra 4-5 days just cleaning up the 90,000 lbs of coal slag it takes to blast an Olympic size pool.
There are no toxic chemicals or contaminants used in hydro blasting. All the work is done by high-pressure air and water eliminating spent media waste. This makes it a cleaner and more environmentally friendly option.
While it is very powerful, the combination of water and air pressure does not cause stress to the structural components. Other methods cause vibrations creating micro-fractures that increase the risk of cracking or deterioration. Hydro blasting is able to clean equipment while also optimizing operation conditions, improving asset longevity.
Hydro blasting has the ability to adapt to the requirements of almost any space and be completed in places where traditional abrasive blasting cannot. We can convert pressure on-site quickly for various applications.
Without dust pollution, hydro blasting can be performed in tandem with other contractors on a project without risking contamination. It is also safe for use in explosive environments. Dustless blasting could mean less downtime or shorter shutdowns for your facility.

Hydro blasting (also called hydro demolition and water blasting) is the use of special water pumps to amplify pressure which is then used to remove dirt, grime, coatings, and other hard deposits from surfaces including industrial equipment. Think of pressure washing but with 20 times the pressure, up to 40,000 psi (2750 bar)! Water that powerful can demolish concrete and even cut through metal. Our team is experienced at harnessing that power to safely remove coatings and rust from structures and equipment, and wash away build-up from machinery without causing damage to the substrate.
- Total removal of debris
- Efficient and fast industrial cleaning
- Explosive environments
- Tube, surface, pipe, and container cleaning
- Improves process-equipment efficiency
- Surface preparation
- Concrete restoration
- Coating removal (including thick plasters/concrete surfaces)
- Ductwork cleaning
- Removal or markings on roads and parking lots
If water at 40,000 PSI can cut through concrete and steel you better believe it can do some serious damage to skin and bone. Hydro blasting demands the highest safety precautions. Pressurized water that travels through a steel braided hose and fittings makes them increasingly susceptible to tread wear and damage.
Additional examination of hoses and fittings must be completed frequently and replaced if there is any sign of wear. Blast It Clean is certified by ISNetworld® and implements a safety-first culture. We believe when our employees feel empowered with proper training, protection equipment, and a voice to be heard at any level everyone benefits. Hydroblasting can be done safely with a few simple precautions and sound safety processes.
Do you have pavement or parking structures that need to be maintained or restored? Our national hydro blasting service truly provides a deeper clean, eradicating embedded salt crystals to reduce chloride levels on surfaces and preventing “corrosion cells”. In fact, it is the only way to remove soluble salts to meet the SC-2 standard.
Normal wear and tear cause failure points in all types of coatings. Blast It Clean can remove the specialized coatings with hydro blasting without doing any additional damage to the concrete below. This is a great example of hydro blasting’s ability to be tough yet delicate. The result is an exceptionally clean surface ready to accept a new coating.
Blast it Clean is a service provider on many facets of pool restoration, from the interior surface to the pool decking surround. Hydro blasting has the unique ability to completely remove the coating and discover any deficiencies in the structure without risking damage. The traditional jackhammer uses vibrations that cause microfractures. Hydro blasting can also just remove a portion of thick plaster coating to prepare the surface for re-coating.
Could hydro blasting be the right solution for your facility? No matter your location or the size of your project, our equipment, and the team is mobile and ready for the job. Blast It Clean is dedicated to building lasting relationships with our customers. We want to deliver value to your business in the services we provide. Feel free to call us at 877-379-4233 or fill out our contact us form. We look forward to speaking with you!